Friday 27 April 2007

There's gratitude for you!

I just thought I'd share something that happened to me last night. Was walking from the office towards London Bridge station, when a big Mercedes pulled up beside me. A gentleman got out, and started walking towards the station. As he did, he pulled something out of his back pocket, and in doing so a bundle of £20 notes fell onto the ground. He obviously hadn't realised and carried on walking.

I picked up the bundle of notes - there were a lot, I would estimate well in excess of £100 in total - and being the good, honest boy that I am, scurried (or maybe even sturried Liz??!!!) after him. I tapped him on the shoulder, he turned round and I said "excuse me, you dropped this on the floor" at which point, he scowled at me, snatched the money out of my hand and walked off again. Not a word, not even a thankyou.

I'd like to think that if the roles were reversed I would have shown some gratitude, or am I expecting too much???!!!!!!


Fiona said...

Maybe he was making a donation to the new clothes fund!!!!! And you ruined his annonymous donation!!!

Andy said...

Could have been he was a well dodgy geezer and the money was hooky...

Re-reading that, have I just stepped off the set of 'Only Fools and Horses' or something?

Unknown said...

Should have kept it! Maybe £100 to him is worth as much as 1p is to us poor folk!

Liz said...

...or were you expecting a reward maybe? I certainly would have :)

Graeme said...

No, wasn't expecting a reward, just thought a thank you wouldn't have gone amiss!